Animation design studio "Lyan" is a team of experienced professionals in the field of 2D and 3D graphics. We will help you to attract the client, to keep his attention, to inform the client about the product as much as possible and to form a positive image of your company's activity.
We specialize in creating polygonal 3D models of any complexity. Such models can be used in prototyping, in advertising, in 3D animation, for creating games and applications, for posting on websites, in augmented and virtual reality and for 3D printing.
3D visualization is necessary in cases where the real object does not exist, or it is impossible to capture it on camera in the necessary conditions (for example, to show it in section). Using the 3D model of your product, we can get an image or video of the quality close to the real one.
Now animation is becoming a higher priority than static images. Animation perfectly copes with tasks where you need to attract and hold the attention of the client. Animation can be found in presentations, video instructions, advertising, installations, websites and social networks.